WiebeTech UltraDock v5 CRU-DataPort Price: $249 U.S. I have tested and used every WiebeTech bare drive dock going back to the original FireWire Drive
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WiebeTech UltraDock v5 CRU-DataPort Price: $249 U.S. I have tested and used every WiebeTech bare drive dock going back to the original FireWire Drive
Read MoreDrive eRazer Ultra CRU-DataPort $212 to 249 online Supplementary 1.8 and 2.5 inch combo adapters priced at $40 to $70 Â MyMac reviewed WiebeTech’s
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The handle is a guide as you insert your drive into a custom powered bay that connects to your Macintosh via FireWire 800/400/USB/eSATA. All necessary cables are provided.
If you EVER IN YOUR LIFE will find yourself with an exposed hard drive, today please order one or more DriveBoxes from WiebeTech. Until now you’ve been lucky if your bare drive circuitry has remained alive and well during swaps and installations.
That 4th generation iPod uses a 1.8-inch Toshiba drive, so you’d want the ADAv4-18-TOSH. Some later iPods use a 1.8-inch Toshiba ZIF drive, which uses a different interface. In that case, you’d need ADAv4-18-TOSH-ZIF.
Step one = insert bare, exposed, 3.5″ Sata drive into rtx-100 and start working.
ToughTech XE Mini equals or surpasses all previous external hard drives we’ve reviewed at MyMac.com by WiebeTech or any other manufacturer. It’s not the cheapest, but it’s very close to being the fastest, sleekest, most durable and flexible unit of all. Special praise for its excellent Pocket Drive Case.
Dock hardware is bright blue durable, lightweight aluminum, plus connectors, fittings, ports, and cables that are generic black on most units. High performance Oxford 922, 911+, or 924 FireWire bridges are built in, for rapid data transfer and performance.
Read MoreReview – Wiebe Fire800 Hard Drive
Read MoreReview – WiebeTech Drives and Docks
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