No Wal-Mart

You know, I don’t think Wal-Mart has made it to Australia yet. Should I be thankful? Beth, I can’t believe you’ve done your Christmas

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I forgot …

Your story of the angry woman, Beth, made me think of another occasion when I was idly standing outside our car (waiting for my

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I bet that angel influenced you to bring the platypuses together. Actually, the bronze one doesn’t really have a platypus ‘feel’ to it. There’s

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A very serious Christmas story

From Glynn Nicholas ‘I was talking to some friends of mine who have recently returned from a tour of the former Soviet Republic.

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The Great Computer Disaster – Episode 1

It’s Sunday, 1.30 am. My husband and I have just returned from a party. My son, the Computer Whizz (CW), has our two Macs open on neighbouring tables, their guts spilled in anything but reassuring disarray.

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Aussie victory

Ya win some, ya lose some 🙂

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The pendulum swings

Here’s a great article from The Age (Melbourne, Australia) journalist Graeme Philipson: I wonder when the tipping point will be reached. But, you

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Oz Socceroos make history

I’m sure you were all glued to your TV screens last night watching the Australia vs Japan watch in the soccer World Cup. But

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Some of you know my friend Lysa. She’s married to Del Miller, and very lucky he is too. Today the postman brought me a

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Why men are indispensable

I’ve always liked men, enjoyed having them around, and on the whole preferred life with them than without. But I’ve never really thought of

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The season of good will

It is said that what you focus on grows. So, seeing as Christmas is coming (and I still believe in Christmas), I’m going to

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