Erik’s WindowsDEF 1.2

Erik’s WindowsDEF 1.2

Shareware: $7.00

Erik Wrenholt has created a fine control panel if, by some weird fluke, you decide you want your Macintosh to look like a Windows 3.1 machine. (shudder!) Simply drag this control panel to your system folder, restart, and you will now have a Windows looking Mac.

Most programs like this (the one below included) come as an extension. Erik Wrenholt, thankfully, made Erik’s WindowsDEF 1.2 a control panel, allowing users to creatively set the look of the windows. Don’t like the blue? Change it to red! Another nice feature is that when you push your CAPS-LOCK key, the Windows effect goes away. Very nice indeed!

Compared with most other window appearance programs, Erik’s WindowsDEF 1.2 stands out as one of the best. If you want to shock your PC user friends, this is a great program. And if you like the effect of the Windows 3.1 windows, and use it often, then the $7.00 shareware fee is not too bad.

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