Pictures from Macworld by Nemo

Owen and I were stunned into silence by the magnificent sound from Shure’s new prototype highest-end “$10,000 speaker system in your ear” ultra premium $500 in-ear headphones. The Shure VP placed these mighty midgets into Owen’s ear, observed in full-body and ear closeup views.

David Pogue informed and entertained a crowd at the O’Reilly booth with Tiger tips and techniques.

Here’s a picture of the prototype voice recorder from XTreme Mac detailed in Tim’s Tuesday press release on the blog side of our home page.

Near the end of a long day on the Expo floor, loyal Macintoshers found a quiet semicircular nook to send or receive email and check the specs on Apple’s newest products.

Here’s a view from the mezzanine of a small segment of the massive product showroom, with Canon booth in foreground and cascading Microsoft banners in the background.

After being kicked out of the building at 6:00 p.m., Weeks posed in front of this provocative sign of the future of Apple.

To be continued with more photos and captions on Wednesday. If you want us to provide specific product or people images, please let us know as soon as possible.

John “Nemo” Nemerovski


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