The Sky Is Not Falling, I

I need to get something straight with you, my readers. (Both of you.) I am not much of a “winter person”. In fact, I feel that at this point, I can make the judgment that winter sucks, badly.

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Monsoon PlanarMedia 9

It has been a few years since I purchased my Monsoon MM1000 three-piece speaker system. In all that time, I have been more than happy with them. In fact, I always use them as the benchmark of good speakers. When I listen to other speakers, I always ask myself “are they better sounding than my Monsoon’s”. Happily, after two-plus years, the answer is still a resounding no.

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ver have a plateful of items to review, and real life starts to get in the way? No? You don’t do hardware and software reviews for an online publication?

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I had heard a few Mac people talking about the PowerMate, and up until a month ago, I simply shrugged my shoulders and went on my merry way.

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