A Smoky Mountain Jaunt

Sunday in the Great Smoky Mountains started brilliantly with warm edges of fluid sunshine knifing calmly through the leafless canopy; heating patches of forest

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quickScrawl #1

Here is a quicksketch that seemed to go with a nugget of foresight received today via fortune cookie that reads: Happiness comes not to

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Beyond the Thunder

The plan seemed simple enough: leave early Saturday before dawnlight could spill into the dark-stained sky, crunch loose gravel beneath the coche’s balding tires

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Lakeshore Lacuna

Fly fishing the big waters has become tedious of late. I have lost the battle of will in casting the huge and heavy bass

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quickSKRAWL #2

sketched whilst imbibing “Honest Injun Stout”. Very delicate process, often some drinkard sees the sketchpad and demands a portrait immediately. Depending upon my average

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Fishing the Yucatan

An actual Mexican adventure story would be great, but I suppose a quick sketch will do. I really don’t have Jimmy Buffet-style-crisis-moments very often;

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Brood X (cicadas that is…)

It seems frum tha genral reactshun of folks round tha workplace that thars a perplexin fascinashun with tha large scale emergence of tha 17-year

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Finding some T-E-M-P-O

Well I wuz informed by Mr. Seibold yesterday that he found the diction contained in the hillbilly phonetic blog to weigh a bit on

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