A week in review…

Let’s look what has been going on lately in American politics and media in the last week (or two). We have recently had Hilary

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Bolton gives up his grammy!

Bolton gives up his grammy! Politics over sanity… again. I have no ties or affinity for John Bolton personally, but I have followed the

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How many dimensions are there? A friend and I were talking politics and philosophy, and he used an anology to express something I really

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Minimum Wage

Minimum Wage There is an argument that we should raise the minimum wage to help the poor Americans; those on the bottom of the

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Stories from work: part 2

So here I am telling stories about inappropriate behaviors and people, or is it inappropriate stories about other people? Whatever. These are just some

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Goodnight Mr. Ford

President Ford has died. I question whether an era has died with him. While he was never elected to the executive branch, he was

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Stories from Work: part 1

A few weeks ago I wrote a little blog about my family: https://mymac.com/showarticle.php?do=something&id=1747 I just did a simple diary style thing on how I

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What is iTV?

A lot of people are very excited about it. I must admit, the features sound quite convenient. But there are a lot of things it could/could-not be.

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Why wireless?

My brother sold his Apple stock because he heard that Microsoft was coming out with a wireless iPod competitor, and figured that would take away sales. Heck, who wouldn’t? A new wireless iPods just sounds cool, until you really think about it. Sure it is easy to market as sexy, and it’ll sell, but will people use it and like it long term?

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WWDC Software Wrap-up

It is interesting to note that Leopard slipped a little bit; originally Apple was targeting end of 2006, now along with Vista, they’re targeting Spring ’07. I’ll be interested to hear the state of Leopard from the developers; is it Beta quality or only Alpha/development, and so on. If it isn’t mature, that signals that Apple is doing lots of foundation things that take a lot of time (and impact a lot of stuff). If it is mature, and I suspect it is, it signals something else. Apple probably wants to make sure they’re AFTER Microsoft in release in order steal thunder.

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WWDC is Coming

There’s a lot of products rumored for WWDC. I’m NOT a rumor guy, if Apple told me anything, I wouldn’t write about it. But I am a business and strategy guy, that thinks about what I’d do if I was Steve/Apple. And I’ve got a history with Apple and going to WWDC, so I can at least mention what might happen, based on what has happened before (and why).

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Stealing the Network
3 Books from Syngress Reviewed

I’m not a hard reviewer in that if a book can give me information, then it is usually worth the price. These books had a lot of information in them. But as a reviewer, I’m supposed to pick nits, and find things I didn’t like. The easy nit on the series is that they’re written in a very casual tone, but on very technical subjects — without a lot of details on the background jargon.

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Unicorns, Horses and John Dvorak

About every few years, John C. Dvorak seems to have some acid flashback from his youth, and writes some article about the future that demonstrates not being in touch with the present or reality. The latest demonstration was that Apple would give up Mac OS X and go to Windows. Huh? What are you talking about John? When you hear hooves do you think “horses” or “a herd of purple unicorns”. John opted for the latter. Read more…

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