The Mac and Modern Gaming

There has been an ongoing series of misinformation pieces and podcasts where the Mac has been written off as a machine and operating system to game with. The PC has long been hailed as the gaming powerhouse and the machine that most true gamers would gravitate to. This article looks at the Mac as a gaming machine and which specific types of Macs and games are great to game with.

The backstory

The Mac has generally never been seen as a gaming machine, and for a good reason. The original models just didn’t have the GPUs (Graphics processing units) required by dedicated gamers. There were integrated with the CPUs (Computer processing units) and operating systems instead of the stand-alone, more powerful version found in PCs. The discrete or dedicated GPU was found to provide for superior gaming and for those playing the more detailed and latest MOBAs, or in the casino at FPS games, and multiplayer strategy and adventure games, graphics, and speed of movement is everything, and the Mac just didn’t keep up.

The Mac has moved on

To say that the Mac has somehow just become a gaming machine over time would be a great misnomer and somewhat simplistic. It very much depends on which Mac you’re using and what you want it to be able to do with the technology. However, there have been some marked changes that have arguably brought the Mac to the same level of gaming standards as another tech out there. Here are the Macs to buy if you’re an Apple gamer:-  

16-inch MacBook Pro:- This is the Mac model chosen by most gamers. If it has an M1 processor, then it is the most powerful gaming and graphics-based machine from Apple.

21.5-inch iMac:- it’s the desktop option with a 4K display and provides for a great stagnant gaming setup. 

Both of these machines have discrete GPU, which means that they can be upgraded or replaced to suit the needs of the owner and to meet gaming requirements.

Then there are those that you don’t want to buy into the game, and the mini-Mac or the Mac book Air generally spring to mind and are mentioned on the tech forums as the ones to avoid. They simply won’t provide the level of graphics that good online gaming requires.


Just as has been shown in this article, the Mac is as good as any other gaming device and operating system, but this all depends on what you use it for and which specs you choose to buy. There is also personal preference, and a lot will depend on what you are used to using and which technology allows you to perform at your best in the games that you choose to play. So, it is not a simple decision to make and nor is it one that can be made for you. This article has simply provided some food for thought in the process of choosing what to game on and whether a Mac will keep up.