War Is A Racket

War is a Racket is the title of an essay written by General Smedley Butler. This general won two Congressional Medals of Honor, and

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Infinite Loop 29: Why the ‘Mac Web’ After 9-11? A Holiday Meditation

Infinite Loop 29: Why the ‘Mac Web’ After 9-11? A Holiday Meditation (12-20-02) Dave considers the question, “9-11 reminded us what is important in life, what is silly, and what is banal. The Mac Web was shown to be silly, unimportant and even petty at times. So why didn’t it close down on 9-12? There answer is simpler than you might think… and brings reflection on the values we celebrate in this holiday season.

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Fix Apple Education: The Readers Respond

About six weeks ago I challenged you readers to come up with some ideas that Apple could use to revive its share of the education market. Below you will find in their entirety some thoughtful responses to my query.

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Advertising, “The Clown”, And Us

It was just about a year ago, when I first saw the commercial on the boob tube. It was late at night, and I was watching a special presentation” of the classic movie “Doctor Zhivago”, one of the few movies ever made which appeals to both men and women.

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