The GMen are not overly fond of analysts and all their blather, so when two directly contradict each other, it cause for a case
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The GMen are not overly fond of analysts and all their blather, so when two directly contradict each other, it cause for a case
Read MoreSennheiser Handmic Digital Sennheiser $259.00 US Sennheiser Handmic Digital is a dynamic handheld microphone that can connect using a USB port or Lightning connector.
Read MoreNighthawk Stereo Headphone Company: Audioquest $599 U.S. YouTube review Sources: iPhone6+ with Oppo HA-2/Beyer A200p DAC/amps, various computers using the HRT Microstreamer/Audioquest Dragonfly/FiiO E17k/FiiO E07k DAC/amps.
Read MoreSponsored by OWC Because absolutely no one asked, Guy goes over in detail how he’s going to podcast using just iOS at the Macworld
Read MoreDownload the show here Subscribe in iTunes Guy’s audio on the floor was pretty bad (Tim has the GOOD Microphone), so Guy waited until
Read MoreSennheiser CX 680i Adidas Sport In-Ear Stereo Headphones Company: Sennheiser Price: $79.95-$99.95 USD — depending upon vendor Ever since my first iPad, I’ve been
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The Sennheiser PX210BT earphones are a comfortable against-the-ear headset designed to be used wirelessly with any newer Bluetooth compatible device. They also come with a USB cable that can be plugged into an external power source or computer output so that when the built- in rechargeable battery is low or exhausted you can still listen to music as you would with any other set of wired earphones. If you’re going to use them with an iPhone, keep in mind they do not come with a microphone.
After playing around with cheap headphones I came to the conclusion that many do with devices like this; you get what you pay for. That doesn’t mean you can’t get a decent set of headphones without spending a fortune though. Case in point, the Sennheiser EH 150 headphones.
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