Three well-known Mac authors go head to head. Which of their iPhone books come out on top?
Tag: Scott Kelby
The Adobe Photoshop CS3 Book for Digital Photographers – Book Review
I am neither a photographer, nor am I anywhere near proficient in Photoshop CS3. Mr. Kelby says anyone can use his book to “learn how the Pros do it.†Let’s see….
Scott Kelby’s 7-Point System for Adobe Photoshop CS3
The objective of the book is to address how most people learn any skill: through constant practice and repetition. Good teachers know that if they want their students to learn and take ownership of certain skills, they (teachers) must identify those skills and then scaffold lessons and activities in a way that makes the tools and process of using those skills understandable. Read the full review here.
The Adobe Photoshop CS3 Book
Book Review
Like so many other photographers and Photoshop users, I always look forward with delight when Scott Kelby publishes a new book or updates a previous edition of one of his works. If you have the previous edition of this book, you’ll certainly want this newest one if you’re now working in CS3. It’s completely updated with new photos, mostly new techniques, and with Kelby’s signature style and humor.
The Digital Photography Book
Book Review
Author, Photoshop guru, and photographer, Scott Kelby is widely known for his popular tips books about such creative software as Adobe Photoshop CS2 and Elements, Apple’s OS X, and even tip books for the iPod. So how is his latest book?
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Mini BookBytes: Scott “Killer” Kelby—Panther & Photoshop
Scott Kelby is a writing wildman. How does he produce so many clever, insightful books all at the same time? The following four are
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Mac OS X Killer Tips (10.2)
Book Review
Book Review – Mac OS X Killer Tips (10.2)
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The Naked Truth
MacRelevant – The Naked Truth
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