A Walk Among the Atoms

I promised you a walk down there.
Ok. Lets take a stroll among the atoms and see what we can

First of all, there is a premise, accepted as fact by some since
‘In The Beginning…” More recently, Einstein and others who
followed him have affirmed it.

–Its all Energy and empty space out
here in this reality, babe!–

Light, the electromagnetic spectrum, is essentially what makes up
everything there is. When Light was formed into matter, both
space and time were also locally created at the same time as a
part of that process.

The smallest part of this matter is called the Atom, named by the
ancient Greeks. Funny, most people, thinking about the atom,
think of something the about size and shape of a small green
pea… (R.A.Heinlein)

Actually, it is a bit more simple than that. Think of our bodies,
made of trillions of specialized cells. Each of these complex
living cells, with their barriers, their acids and proteins, is
made of millions of molecules, each of which are made of hundreds
or even thousands of atoms.

What do they look like, these atoms? Lets take our walk now…

When you get down to this size, which we have to measure in
angstroms, nanometers which are very very small increments of a
meter, you are struck with all the emptiness! No air down here!
The air molecules are much too big to fit down here among the
atoms of this matter! The atoms here are rather far apart from
one another, and they are discrete entities. Their physical
properties follow rules of physics that differ greatly from the
physical laws up there in our world of Man. The rules down here
are very different. We are actually going down at the level where
solid matter no longer really exists.

We said that atoms are made of energy, and they are. Tremendous
energy, bound into solid and very stable quanta, or discrete
components. When you look at atoms in a special microscope, what
you really see is their electron shell, which looks like a bright
fuzzy globe. This shell is almost impenetrable to us, because of
the huge force required to pull it apart. We do pull these atoms
apart in expensive colliders, which is about as useful for
understanding the atom as studying intricate gyroscopes by
busting them up with a hammer.

To reach the place where we can see atoms, in our imaginary walk,
we are going to have to shrink a bit. As we mentally downsize
ourselves, we leave the realm of chaos and descend into the world
of order! Our size diminishes greatly as we descend into the
matter we are standing on, suddenly atoms are all around us now
in equally and perfectly spaced rows, stretching infinitely in
every direction as far as we can see.

Everything around us is cloaked in sudden darkness, and the
colors have become monochromatic. Why? It is because we have
become smaller than the wavelengths of visible light! If we were
really making this journey, we would suddenly find we were unable
to breathe. Vacuum is all around us now, here in the great open
spaces between the atoms.

So lets just look at a single, simple hydrogen atom, if we can
find one. It will be one with a single proton, or nucleus, and a
single electron, or outer shell. That one over there! Lets go

It looks opaque, and it is, because of the single electron
speeding in orbit around it. Its precession makes it a completely
impervious globe to our eyes, but hey, we are not using real eyes
here, nor are we using visible light, since the visible
wavelengths are now much longer than this atom we are

Lets pretend that this atom is 1000 feet in diameter, that is,
its electron shell. It looks that way to us because we have
shrunk quite a bit to get here! All the next closest atoms are
about a mile away from this one in every direction. Lots of empty
space down here! Most all matter everywhere in the universe is
like this, you know…

The reason we cannot see past the shell of this hydrogen atom is
because the electron is in orbit around the proton, and it is
orbiting at close to the speed of light (What Einstein called the
speed of C). What great thing holds that electron in orbit 500
feet away from its center? The Proton! Would you believe that
Proton is about the size of a BB at this scale we are at right

So, how can we look beyond the electron sphere? To get inside
this atom, we will have to slow time down a bit. So, we will use
an incantation, an old one: “A day is like a thousand years!”

Great! Now everything is many thousand times slower! (Don’t
worry, we can use the reverse incantation to get back again.)

As we look at the electron sphere, we see individual trails of
the electron. It sort of looks like a loosely wound ball of yarn
around a balloon. If we are careful, we can just squeeze between
these traces into the inner part of the atom! There we go!

Now we have truly gone where no one has gone before! Off over in
the center is the nucleus, that Proton! No one has ever seen one
of these before! Lets stroll over to take a look!

Good thing this is only a head trip, the vacuum here is
avsolutely perfect. So is the temperature. It doesn’t exist. The
vacuum outside the electron shell is also pretty rare, but there
is a force field out there. Yet, compared to the one in here, the
field out there is very weak. Lets look closely at the Proton

What a remarkable engine is the Proton! (There are several
theoretical models, but really, no one knows yet how it looks.)
We know it is made of the same Light energy that everything else
is made of, but how is it bent into an engine that can hold the
electron in place? Remember it also firmly holds the other atoms,
about a mile apart at this scale, in their places as well.

Interesting! That electromotive force that holds all these atoms
tightly together also holds them at a perfect distance from each
other. It is kind of like they are immersed in a force field
which is powered by all the local individual atoms themselves.

To understand what you are seeing now when you look at the
Proton, you will have to accept that there are some dramatic
changes in time and space. Like we said, essentially the Proton
in all of its elements is electromagnetic energy, and each of
these are always moving at the speed of C. But remember, the
physics down here are different.

So, just what is electromagnetic energy, or Light?

It is a single dimensional point, or a particle, if you will,
moving at the speed of C. It has no mass, but by its speed, it
produces gravity waves, strong ones if it travels in the close
and particular formations that create matter.

A single light point, not going anywhere, but just *spinning* at
C would have powerful gravametric force. Thousands and millions
of them, closely bound together, would have enough attractive
force to forever hold an electron in its orbit. But what holds
all these individual points of light together in the Proton?

Of course I am throwing around these words, gravametric,
electromotive, electromagnetic, … each are poor attempts by us
to describe the amazing effect that these Protons have on
everything around them, at sometimes faster speeds than even

Look closely now at the Proton. Beautiful isn’t it? It is a
silvery, glowing engine of light! At this time velocity, it is
moving at an almost viewable speed. I can count 66 discrete
components, each one of which is perhaps made of billions of
light points.

Look with me at it. We are walking up to it, and from a short
distance, it looks sort of ghostly, or nebulous. If we had seen
it earlier when time was normal, it would have looked like a
bright, buzzing, fuzzy globe of light, aglow with great flashes
and wild pulsings. But now we can see it greatly slowed

Lets shrink ourselves a bit more here… Over the whole fantastic
engine of the Proton, now about a yard across at our scale, is an
almost transparent force field. It looks a little like a soap
bubble, doesn’t it? If you touch it, you will find it to be
harder than any metal. Everything inside is impervious to our
touch because of this strongest of all barrier forces that exist
in nature.

But look inside this bright outer force bubble! Down deep inside
are 24 glowing, silvery spheres, each about 8 or 9 inches in
diameter. No metal parts in this thing! It is all light and
forces. The spheres are perfectly shaped and are running in
perfect paths. In fact they are all orbiting around each other in
three interconnected rings, with eight spheres in each ring. As
the rings cross each other, the spheres are perfectly aligned to
allow the others to travel between without collision. This is far
more intricate than any geared watchworks, because it is in three
dimensions! Although they are moving sort of fast, we can see
each of the separate components and discern their movements, with
a little patient observation…

Watching them, you and I are struck with the force of the concept
behind the Proton… This is a like a manufactured device! No
Manmade engine could ever work so smoothly, or be manufactured
with such precision as these spheres inside the Proton, but they
are made by somebody, after all! Look at them rotating and
spinning in perfect precision! Nothing like this exists anywhere
else in the universe! Amazing!

How are they made? It obviously took a tremendous force to mold
these quanta of light particles into these individual components,
but here they are, staring us in the face… Although the
movement of those spheres is very captivating, soon you and I
notice that there are other components surrounding these 24.
Inside their ever tumbling raceways, there is nothing in the
center, but in clusters around these 24, are groups of other
spheres, and half-spheres, (!!!) each transparent and brightly
lit with their turning and rotating thousands and millions of
light points!

It is these half-spheres that intrigue us. The missing half of
their spheres all intersect those three rotating rings of
spinning spheres! How is this possible? We see inside these
half-spheres an apparent complete rotation of their elements, but
what particles of light disappears down one side, instantly
appears on the other side. Fascinating!

Each of these outer spheres and half-spheres has its own
rotation, or direction, relative to the others. Some are left
handed, or clockwise rotators, others are right handed or
counter-clockwise rotators. Still others rotate up or down
relative to the rest. Some seem to rotate only half or quarter
turns! Where is the rest of their rotation? (It is these
components that the physicists have called Up, Down, Strange,
Charm, etc.)

It so happens that these half-spheres are doing one of two
things: One is that they are partially submerged in one of six
extra dimensions, which we cannot see. And some of them are
turning backwards in time. That is, in relationship to all the
other spheres which are generally following time’s arrow!

How are some of these attached to other dimensions? I thought
those extra dimensions were very, very small, and not noticeable
in the real world? They are very small, but at this scale a
component or element of the proton can fit into them rather
nicely, don’t you think?

What is the purpose for these half-spheres being imbedded in
another dimension, (or “Quantum Foam,” as Del Miller calls it)?
And are parts of them really rotating backwards in time? I
presume to answer that this is part of the design which holds the
whole engine tightly together, so that it doesn’t fly apart.

Face it, if this design relied on simple positive and negative
charges to hold it together, it would have blown apart eons ago!
No, what is required are half and quarter charges, and other
strange things, such as reverse time precession, for all of this
to work at all! And Protons work, effortlessly, always at the
speed of C, practically forever! What a marvelous and mysterious

These backward-in-time spinning particles, what is their charge?
One-half? One-third? None? Oh well, we will leave it to the
physicists to explain all that. And they are, slowly, with their
ever developing Standard Model…

Rather, just lets you and me be comforted to know that the force
that holds this little engine together is the most powerful force
in the universe!

Wait! There is more! I took a quick look down below this Proton.
Shocking! See? It is like this surrounding field is not
symetrical. Looking at the whole Proton, as your eyes follow the
curve down the side, the whole thing disappears! Looking up from
the bottom of the Proton, you see a sort of static halo
surrounding where it is, but there is nothing there! Where is the
bottom? Looking into the top again, you see everything, but you
also notice that the Proton’s interior is much deeper than you
first noticed. It is quite deep, isn’t it? What gives here?

I think we are seeing part of the Proton slipping in and out of
another dimension or media. This obviously doesn’t change its
physical character or its impact on the electron shell, or other
atoms, but nonetheless it is intriguing. There was once a place
referred to somewhere as “The Abode of Light.” Perhaps this
Proton is somehow connected to that place, and this is how it
gets its power…

There are some who even today maintain that the whole proton is
half embedded in the ETHER and only half of it appears in our
reality. Ether? Yeah, I know. It supplies some answers to the
thorny paradoxes of the Proton, but the whole idea of there being
an Ether brings a lot more problems to the table, huh? As a
concept this just never goes away…. Time will tell if this is
true or not.

I love watching this Proton! See it vibrate just now? We are not
affecting it, since we are not really here, but up above, in the
real world, someone is walking across the floor, or talking, or
music is playing… Those vibrations find their way down here
into the smallest realm of reality, touching even this secretly
enclosed and nearly invisible Proton in its impervious electon
shell! Amazing!

Such an intricate and beautiful little silvery engine created
with such perfect precision! Such wondrous and perfect design! So
brightly animated and silky silent in its operation! Looking at
it, you think it could run forever, since it is so well
constructed. It even seems to be self-powered somehow!

Upon this, the Hydrogen Proton, is everything built! Everything
that exists as matter has this same basic component at its

Think of it! All these stable little atoms! You can shake them
and bake them, you can stir them and fry them, nothing fazes the
atom! They just keep on ticking, regardless of the licking you
give them. Yeah, the atoms individually absorb energy, as much as
you can give them. Adding energy to them only raises their energy
state to the next quanta, because they are very descrete, and
they follow precise rules… They can be vibrated most
vigorously, yet they are still very stable. Each with this
marvelous and eternal little Proton at their center!

The Proton can lose its electron though, sometimes through
chemical action, sometimes through sound at a certain frequency,
and sometimes through collision with other electrons in a
radioactive environment. Proton is not happy without its
electron, so it quickly gets another one as soon as it can.
Electricity as we know it, depends on this function, you

Now we can talk about their sex life! Protons, like we said are
very discrete you know… But given enough extra energy they can
combine in what we call Transumations. A simple proton and
electron is the hydrogen atom. Add some more electrons here, some
more protons or neutrons there, and soon you have the beginning
of an atomic number table of the elements! Most every one of
these other, bigger and more intricate atoms are also very
stable, but they are oh, so big! Hundreds of Protons and Neutrons
at their core, with thousands of electrons in orbit around them!
I could not begin to describe to you how their protons are
configured. (This simplest one is hard enough!)

Now we need to go back to our regular size, and our regular time
reference… Up we go! …oh yeah, that incantation: “A thousand
years is like a day!”

Now we are back to normal size and time! Hard to believe that
down among the atoms there is 99.9999 percent emptiness, isn’t
it? Also hard to believe that super solid atoms are nothing but
bound energy, after all!

Look around us now, since it is all back to ‘normal,’ if you told
your friends about this matter, they wouldn’t believe you, would

Knock on wood… See! It is solid matter! What do you mean, it is
all empty spaces and Light?

But you and I have been down there. We know how things really
are, don’t we?

So why is this important? Does our little walk change our

Not really. Everything is as it should be… However, we better
understand our reality now. It is all photonic – everything that
exists is a holodeck reality, which might disappear someday, when
the power plug is pulled….

Knowing that some Engineer is powerful enough to bend these
sublime forces into matter, even if it is just for a few thousand
years or so, is sobering to think about. Who is this creator, or
what is the power of his creative force? (Does he care about

If this reality is all just temporarily bound energy, where is
the real world, the real universe, where matter is real and
permanent, and not photonic? How solid and permanent, and
beautiful will it be, once we see it for ourselves? ( I think
C.S. Lewis wrote about this idea a lot…)

“And God said, ‘Let there be Light…’ ” Humm! That was the
beginning alright! Wow! Who would have thought?

“What is Man, that you are mindful of him, O Lord? Or the Son of
man, that you care for him?” Who ever created all this had us in
mind, didn’t he? What do you think?

“He continually upholds all things by the power of his word…” A
comforting thought, with implications for life to continue as
long as there is that Engineer around.

Having seen how things are made, and how they exist brings up so
many questions and proposes to us so many implications for every
part of our existence. We need to think about these things some

Obviously, the implications of what we have seen in the atom are
more profound than we first imagined! I will leave you with
that, my friend. Thanks for walking with me again!

Roger Born

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