Techno Windows 1.0

Well, after a long time of looking at the same old Mac Interface, sometimes it’s neat to make your system look totally different. This month’s Shareware Reviews looks at a few items that do just that. Brian takes a look at Kaleidoscope on the next page, so let’s explore two other neat Mac “face-lift” programs on this page, shall we?

The first is Techno Windows 1.0 from Erik Wrenholt. Erik has made a name for himself lately with many good Mac FaceLift type of shareware programs, but Techno Windows, IMHO, is a step above the rest.


Techno Windows 1.0
Shareware: $10.00

Cool. That is the first thought I had after installing this control panel.
What makes Techno Windows so neat is that it gives your Mac a totally different look than any other face-lift program. But rather than changing your windows to look one certain way, Techno Windows changes every window to look different, at least as far a color goes. With the options provided in the control panel, you can select one color of your choice, or have Techno Window change it each and every time you open a window. You can also change the buttons in your window. Below are two pictures of the same window, opened once, closed, and opened again. You can see the changes it makes for yourself.



As you can tell from these pictures, I did have some probelems with the close and resize buttons. Not sure why, but when I click there (upper right and left side) the functions still worked, I just couldn’t see the button. No big deal to me, but it’s a flaw you should be aware of.

(At the last minute…)
The problem you are having with techno windows is, you changed the name of the one of the files. If I were you, I’d just download it again (possibly from my page and reinstall it.) Maybe you didn’t put the data file in the extensions folder. Please let me know if this fixes your problem.
Well, I went into my extension folder and found the file that was marked “place in the extension folder” entitled Techno Win Data, opened it up, and found a ResEdit folder marked, Techo Windows Data. As soon as I took it out and placed it in the extensions folder, Wham, there were the buttons. And they look and work great.


Thanks Russ! It worked for me!

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