DoubleScroll 2.1.2

DoubleScroll 2.1.2

Shareware: $10.00

Here is a handy feature I would have expected to see as part of the Mac OS by now, a scroll bar that lets you scroll up or down from both sides of a open window. Want to scroll up? No more going to the top of the window! DoubleScroll puts a up and down scroll bar arrow on the top and bottom of a open window.

Features are plentiful as well. Users have a choice of excluding certain applications or programs from taking advantage of this feature thanks to a “Filter” option in the DoubleScroll control panel. What’s more, users can set the scrolling speed, scrolling delay, turn on/off 3D arrows and live scrolling, as well as how big the double arrow cutoff size is.

DoubleScroll 2.1.2 sports a very “Coplandish” style control panel, very easy to use and work with. Users cannot get lost or confused here. And the look of the arrows in an open window is very pleasing. It looks like this is how a open window SHOULD look. A great concept, a good program, and has yet to cause any conflicts with other control panels or extensions (except for ~Aaron, the system 8 interface extension, which creator Edward Voas states in the Read Me file.)

Contact Amargosa Software, Inc. at for more info.

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