MyMac Podcast #507: No Guy, but we have a special guest!

Guy is off doing weird Guy things like buying a car in Florida so Gaz tricks…invites Alex Fox on to the show. Lot’s of Google Plus and other listener feedback along with a good discussion on Amazon’s little tiff with Hatchette Press. A bit of talk about Alex’s Mac experiences and generally everything you’ve come to expect from a MyMac Podcast!

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Guy’s App Pick: He’s not here so he doesn’t get one.
Gaz’s App Pick: SSD’s go an update your system if you can.
Coconut Battery Check
Battery Health Check
Netflix searching
People’s Pick: Karl Madden People’s pick here. I was a little bored the other day and saw this table Tennis game at the top of the iOS games charts. I thought what the heck and decided to spend a few quid to give it a top spin.
Alex Links: AirWaves


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